Easy Peasy (Better) Decision Making: Missing Links Analysis
Doing differently isn’t easy. And being told to “just make better choices” is not useful or can be hurtful. Sometimes we need a step-by-step strategy to figure out what went wrong and how to do better next time. In walks Missing Links Analysis.
What is a Missing Links Analysis?
A missing links analysis is a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) strategy you can use when you want to make a change in your behavior. Specifically, it is a series of simple questions that help us figure out what got in the way of being effective. This process involves figuring out the actions, thoughts, or feelings that led us to act in an unhelpful or unhealthy way.
How do we know when we need to do a Missing Links Analysis?
If something got in the way of doing things you needed to do, hoped to do, or others expected you to do, you may need to do a missing links analysis. Use the questions below to understand why and how the effective behavior that is needed or expected did not occur.
Missing Links Analysis Activity
Question 1: Did I know what effective behavior was needed or expected?
If the answer is “no”, what got in the way of knowing? (Ex: not paying attention, unclear instruction, feeling overwhelmed, etc.)
Problem Solve: What got in the way and what can I do next time in order to understand what is needed or expected of me? (Ex: work on paying more attention, ask for clarification after given instructions, call others, etc.)
If you answered “yes” to Question 1, move on to Question 2.
Question 2: Was I willing to do what was needed?
If the answer was “no” to Question 2, what got in the way of wanting to do what was needed? (Ex: feeling inadequate, angry, or anxious)
Problem Solve: What got in the way of my willingness? What can I do differently next time? (Ex: practicing radical acceptance, opposite action, etc.)
If “yes” to Question 2, move on to Question 3.
Question 3: Did the thought of doing what was needed or expected ever cross your mind?
If the answer was “no” to Question 3, it’s time to do a little problem-solving.
Problem Solve: How do I get the necessary thoughts of doing effective behaviors in my mind? (Ex: put it on the calendar, set a reminder on your phone, etc.)
If “yes” to Question 3, move on to Question 4
Question 4: What got in the way of doing what was needed or expected right away?
Something may have simply been a barrier to doing what needed to be done. For example, sometimes we put things off, procrastinate, we’re in a “bad” mood, we have self-doubt, or just plain ol’ forget to do it!
Problem Solve: What can I do differently next time in order to do what I need to do? (Ex: plan to reward yourself for doing what is expected, pros and cons list, etc.)
Here is a step-by-step video on how to do a Missing Links Analysis.
Ideally, after going through these questions, you will have a deeper understanding of yourself and your behaviors! This kind of self-awareness can help you move in a direction that is important to you and live the life you want to live!
For more information on missing links analysis and using DBT skills with the help of a therapist, reach out to us at hello@mindchicago.com.
Authored by Mind Chicago Clinical Director, Dr. Lee Wells and friend of Mind Chicago, Fatima Sakrani, LSW